Top Habits of Successful Recruiters

If you are a small business owner considering hiring a recruiter, HR professional or staffing firm to assist with your hiring needs, there are several things to consider when pinpointing which professional or company to fill your needs. What’s more, if you are considering a career as a recruiter, there are a number of traits and experiences that are must haves and will lead you to a very successful future as a recruiter.

Below are tips, advice and insight on the top habits of a successful recruiter or HR professional, from three experienced industry professionals:

1. Answering the call/Returning the call: Every professional in every business niche has situations where your caller I.D. or email inbox generates inquiries that you’d prefer to ignore. The successful recruiter accepts the call, listens to the inquiry, and checks this hurdle off his or her list.

2. Maximize your time: In this era of Social Media, cell phone apps, text messaging, and Tsunami waves of email, it’s pretty easy to get distracted. The truly successful recruiter can delegate this balancing act of fending off the message and computer onslaught that doesn’t help your bottom line.

3. Staying in touch with the trends: The latest and greatest methods for recruiting seem to change regularly. You need to ask yourself if your recruiting methods need tweaking, and if so, are there methods out there that may help you. There still is no substitute for making the call and face-to-face encounters for nurturing relationships and really digging beyond the surface for individual needs.

4. Never stop expanding your circle: It’s definitely good practice to devote a major chunk of your time and efforts to your best clients. Then again, history shows that one’s clientele in any business shifts or even goes away over time. The most successful recruiters are always making cold calls to new employers and new candidates. This practice will ensure that you will be as successful next year as you are now.

5. Reputation is everything: Never make a decision today that will negatively impact your business reputation tomorrow. Recruiting can sometimes feel like a thankless career. Your efforts towards employers and candidates are infrequently recognized. The successful recruiter will always communicate and make business decisions that will positively reflect on you and your employer for years to come.

“Always think long-term”

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